Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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4 entries this month

Icecream anyone?

20:34 May 27 2006
Times Read: 1,111

As she climbs on top of him, she takes his hands over his head and out..and she pulls the silk cords she has tied to the bed post... He jerks and tells her no. She sigh and looks down at him. Damn if she didn't have to fall in love with a strong man... He gives her a look of "No fucking way"... and she moves on to plan B.

She pouts and runs her hands over his arms..."But I promise you will like it. I just want to play with my lover a little." He frowns at that... so she gave him what she hopes is the deal breaker..."Besides I will let you tie me up and do whatever you want to me" He smiled at that..and she moves to tie his right hand..."Loose" He order her. She rolles her eyes, but does as he order her... He takes a lick and kiss to her full breast as she moved over his mouth to tie his other hand down. She moves and stands up. He growls and pulls at the cords and she put her hand on his chest... "Calm down. I will be right back" She left to only return in a minutes with a pint of icecream and a spoon. She climbs back on the bed and she removes the lid. She spoons some into her mouth and moves to her wolfs side. He watches as she lets out a purr of pleasure... "So good... but I have another way to make it better" She take a spoon full to her lovers mouth and lets him have it...then takes her mouth to his. There flicking tongues melt the icecream as they kiss, and he lets out a small moan.

She moves on the bed to sit between his legs..and takes a spoon of icecream to his chin. She leans over him, her breast hanging free as she licks at it, lapping at the sweet, following its trail down his neck.. kissing, licking and sucking as it melts.

She moves on to his chest and her man lets out a hiss as the cold icecream is put on each nipple... She smiles and leans over... looking up into his eyes as she licks at the cream like a cat... just her tongue...she bites his hard nipple and moves on to the other...

Next is his belly. She puts a lump of the icecream on his chest and pulls it downward to his belly button... leaving the melting sweet. She gives him a mmmm and moves her body, touching his chest with her breast as she sucks the sticky treat off his body... and at the end...licking the melting icecream off his belly button... using her tongue to lap it out of his button. Like a cat with a bowl of cream.

She sits up and looks at her lover and she pulls the icecream carton to her. She looks at his hard cock and looks at him. "No you don't" He order her. but she only smiles. Before he can get out of the cords she has to make her move... Her hand dips into the melting icecream and takes a hand full to his cock... He jerks as the cold wetness touches his hot skin.. She fells his legs jerk as she smears the icecream over that big cock... He growls and she knew he would make her pay for that. She felt a second of fear, but knew he would never hurt her.She smiles as she thinks of how he can make her pay for this.... and does what she so wants to do...

She moves downward and lays between his legs, looking up to see him watching her... She licks at his cock.. taking the icecream off like it was a icecream cone.She cups his balls in her hands and rolls them, gently squeeze them as she licks her tongue up and down, side to side...She lets out a loud MMMMM as she uses her nails on his heavy balls...

She reaches for more icecream and he doesn't stop her this time... another hand full and she coats him... She moves her hand to the base of his cock and she smears the coldness to his black short hair. She smiles to herself as she hears the cords being jerked tight... She looks up to see her Wolfs eyes watching her. She sits up and sits back on her knees.

Hands move to his hips as she leans up... seeing the icecream slide down that cock... she brings her breast up and adds her boobs to the melting cream... He lets out a "Fuck" and she feels the bed jerk. She sits back and puts her mouth onto the tip... and opens wide. She lowers her mouth down, and when she goes as far as she can, she closes it and brings her face upward... she sucks to catch as much cream as she can...She pulls off him, and moves back down to finish the last of the sweet.....

Then she uses her tongue to lick at him, to catch the spots she missed. Licking at him, her hot tongue on the cool icecream... His hot skin, his scent....any softness from the cold was gone as she licks off the last of the cream... then she cups his hard cock and moves it to the side... She missed a few spots that ran down onto his balls... She moves her tongue all around his balls to remove the last little drop.

Another hand full as she is enjoying her lover... She adds the icecream to his cock'ss tip and lets it melt downward, her eyes following the trail, licking her lips... She moves to take him into her mouth and seals her lips around him.. and the icecream falls downward as she lowers her mouth... her tongue doing circles around his rod...She runs her nails up the inside of his legs... and she catches the scent of blood.. she growls with that cock in her mouth at the scent...

She moves her mouth up, stroking her tongue from side to side, in a circle... to the very tip.. She sucks at the tip and makes a pop noise as she lets him go....

More icecream and she cups his cock... and holds it as she licks at it, using her tongue.. using the tip of her tongue on the top of it. She washing away the cream as he watches her..She laps at his cock and eats, licks, sucks away the sweet...Wishing he would add his own cream to the sweetness... something salty and hot...

Copyright: SKW 2006




A man to take control...

04:49 May 14 2006
Times Read: 1,126

She sat at the bar, the empty glasses in front of her showing she had been drinking a while. He grin, going up to sit beside her. She looked at him as he said hello. She let her eyes travel from his head to his toes...he felt his body respond to her bold action. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked her.

She finished the last of her drink and turned to him. He jerked as she took a hand to his thigh... and rub... "Do you want to buy me a drink? Or do you want to fuck me?" He just sat on the barstool as her hand went inward and stroke his cock, his dress pants tighten and he said nothing. Then her hand was gone.

She moved off the stool and stood in front of him. "I need a man who will take control of me, who is strong enough so I can feel safe and give up my control." She smiled and ran her hand over his check. " Thank you for the offer, but the answer is no" She walks out of the bar, leaving him behind.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Three F's.

18:19 May 07 2006
Times Read: 1,140

His head snap around, eyes glowing in reflection of his intensity. He scanned the tux , evening gown crowd to find the source of the scent. A scent that made him bite back a growl....

The wolf in him wanted to mate... He step around the crowd, letting his nose lead him... Up.

He climb the marble staircase, knowing she had done the same... He snift the air....she was closer.

He turned left and went into the ballroom, the charity ball the event of the year here in Paris... And he found the woman who gave off that scent.

She wore red silk. Not the classic dress as the others. No this woman wore a short tight dress that left little covered. He went to her, knowing he would take her. She turned that curvy body to the music, her arms up, her long black hair loose. She danced with a man who did not touch her, but just watched.....as most of the man in the room were doing as well. He laughted, as this is a woman who had to be leashed...

She was femininity, fertility, and fuckability. His three favorite F words.

She turned as he neared her, and he watched as she snifed the air with her nose.... and she smiled. He knew what his scent told her...He was aroused, and on the hunt.

He step up to her, and she turned her back to him... He grap her around the waist and yanked her to him.She let out a low growl... The man she had been dancing with came forward, but he warned him off with a look. The man left, and he held on to the woman as she rub her ass to his hips... He cupped her neck, and pushed it to one side... he put his lips to her vein, and she felt the tips of his teeth.... she waited for his mark... but he pulled away. He took her hand in his strong one, and lead her from the building.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Her wolf's call...

02:53 May 02 2006
Times Read: 1,144

She walked among the trees, touching them as she went toward her stone alter hidden in a clearing a few yards away from the cabin. She touched the oak tree that her grandfather planted when her father was born. She let the willow trees branches brush her body that was planted on the day she was born. She past evergreen trees that were tied to her family, and felt the power of those that has past on.

She enter the clearing, and looked up at the night sky to see the waxing moon. She walked to her stone alter and put the basket down. She listen to the woods as she ready her alter- candles, sage, a small cauldron, a wooden craved pentacle. And a clean white cloth.

She took her athame and went to the north corner. She cut her palm, speaking the words she knew by heart to cast her circle. As she did she heard his howl. He had the scent of her blood, and he would come to her soon. She cast the circle, and moved to her alter. She wrap her palm in the cloth, and called on her lord and lady as she lite the candles, and sage. She felt the power flow into her circle... and the power that flowed outside of it.

She turned to see him there. A large wolf, fur of a silvery gray. Golden eyes glow in the night. She went to him, opening a doorway. He enter and waited beside her as she closed the door. She felt his nose at the white cloth, and she stroked his fur. "Come my love." She went to the center of the circle and sat on the cool ground. He moved to her side, laying beside her. She ran her hands thur his fur, feeling the softness. But she knew he was a hunter, killer.

And she felt safe.

The night embrace its own.

Copyright: SKW 2006



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